Fernando López Prieto

Scrum Master and Front-end engineer

Computer engineer. Front-end Developer. Enthusiast of clean code and software architecture, necessary for the system to mature. I have known Javascript for years and since then, it has increasingly valued its flexibility and power. Constantly updating the knowledge to learn and transmit. Defender of agile methodologies and people over processes. I currently work as a Scrum Master at Ebury.

Job experience

  • Ebury Scrum Masterjul 2018 - now


    Scrum Master and Agile Coach for several agile Teams and Tribes in Malaga Ebury's offices

  • Babel SI Scrum Masteroct 2017 - jun 2018

    BABEL Sistemas de Información

    Scrum Master in a delivery squad at ModelBank project of ING Bank. Using Spotify Engineering Model with Squads, Tribes, Chapters and Guilds. ModelBank is a global bank project to join several countries (Czech Republic, France, Italy and Spain) in only one system using microservices in the back-end and web components in the front-end.

  • Babel SI Senior Developerjan 2014 - sep 2017

    BABEL Sistemas de Información

    Front-end developer at ING Bank. Creation of a javascript MVC Backbone/Marionette front-end application. Architecture definition and performance improvement for the application.

  • Babel SI Developeroct 2008 - dec 2013

    BABEL Sistemas de Información

    Java back-end and javascript front-end developer. Creation of a Rest API with banking functionalities using Spring. Definition and development of several RIA applications for insurance environment.


  • Certified Scrum Master Certified Scrum Master2017

    Scrum AllianceCertificant ID: 000647***

  • Universidad de Granada Ingeniería Informática

    Universidad de Granada

  • Universidad de Granada Ing. Téc. Informática de Sistemas

    Universidad de Granada


  • English First Certificate in English (Cambridge English Language Assessment) CEFR B2


  • Situación Actual de los Sistemas Hipermedia 3D

    2008. Fernando López, Francisco J. Melero, Pedro Cano

    Actas del II Simposio en Desarrollo de Software, pp. 187-202. ISBN: 978-84-96856-71-4

    View publication


  • 2016 - Web Components & Polymer (30h) KeepCoding
  • 2012 - Construcción de aplicaciones RIA con Javascript (24h) New Horizons
  • 2011 - Pruebas automáticas (20h) Autentia - Struts 2.0 (20h) Consultec - Optimiza tu jornada laboral (8h) Intalentgy
  • 2010 - UML: Análisis, diseño e implementación de aplicaciones (20h) Consultec - Hibernate 3.0 Avanzado (20h) Consultec - Ajax y jQuery (20h) Consultec - J2EE: Spring Framework y Struts (20h) Consultec
Personal image

Professional skills

  • Javascript
  • Scrum
  • Agile
  • Web Components
  • Node
  • Java

Personal skills

  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Flexible/Dependable
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Motivated